
September 23, 2022

The time has come, and passed, to overthrow the government.

This is not a call for taking to the streets with arms and explosives. All the necessary changes can, and should, be made by Congress.

Congress can resume its role of writing laws, instead of delegating regulation to administrative agencies. It can reduce, restructure, or abolish agencies that have become corrupt, sclerotic, or whose constitutionality has always been dubious. It can refrain from taking actions beyond the enumerated powers of the federal government, returning those powers to the states and people as the tenth amendment specifies. It can stop trying to control the states by disbursing federal funds to them conditioned on their compliance with federal regulations.

The current regime cannot continue forever; in fact, I doubt it can continue much longer. It can be dismantled peacefully, in the manner I’ve outlined here, or it will be overthrown by violence, or it will collapse under the weight of its own corruption and incompetence. Either of the last two ways will involve bloodshed and suffering, so let’s try the first.