
January 30, 2011

The past few weeks the youth in our ward have been making videos about sharing the gospel. Here’s the one David’s in and the one Amanda’s in.

Breaking news

January 5, 2011

I don’t know what’s going on, but about half an hour ago a helicopter started buzzing our neighborhood with a searchlight, and there were policemen and police cars in the street. Chris and Amanda tried to go out and ask what was happening (I don’t know what they were thinking) but the cops sent them back in the house. The helicopter’s gone now, but there’s still a police car in the street. Maybe there’ll be something in the paper tomorrow.

In other news, Sam and I took down the Christmas tree.

Happy New Year

January 3, 2011

Well, the holidays are over and it’s back to work and school tomorrow. I took the day off today so I could take Daniel to the airport. He called after Home Evening and said he had safely finished his flying and was on the bus to camp. We took down most of the Christmas decorations this evening, so soon we’ll be back to our normal, boring state.